İlk olarak belirtmek isterim ki, böyle bir buluşmayı gerçekleştirmenizden dolayı eşim Adame BA KONARE, heyetim ve ben bugün burada olmaktan büyük mutluluk duyuyoruz. Bugün bu buluşma aracılığıyla bana, Başbakan Yardımcısı ve Dışişleri Bakanı Abdullah GÜL’ün dün bizi Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Ahmet Necdet Sezer ile karşılaması, daveti ve bize sağladığı kolaylıklardan ötürü özellikle Türk hükümetini ve de kendisini tekrar selamlama ve teşekkürlerimi sunma imkânı verdiniz. Afrika’ya yönelik desteğini ve ilgisini göz önünde bulundurarak, İslam Konferansı Örgütü Genel Sekreteri Sayın Ekmeleddin İHSANOĞLU’na da huzurlarınızda selamlarımı iletiyorum. Ayrıca, bu kongreye katılan Afrikalı kardeşlerimizi ve Afrikalı büyükelçilerimizi burada bulunmalarından, faaliyetlerinden ve Afrika’daki gelişmeleri ülkenize taşımalarından dolayı selamlamaktan mutluluk duyuyorum. Son olarak, Afrika dostu Sayın TASAM Başkanı’nı böyle bir günde bizi bir araya getirdiği için selamlıyor ve teşekkürlerimi iletiyorum.

Çok değerli Bayanlar ve Baylar,
Bugün, Afrika için ümit ve güven mesajı taşıyan bir gündür. Bu buluşma, sadece tek bir günle sınırlı olmayacaktır. Bugün, 2005 yılında Türkiye’de ilan edilen “Afrika Yılı” çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilmektedir. “Afrika Yılı”, Türk hükümetinin Afrika’ya yaptığı birçok ziyaret ile başlamış ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı Ahmet Necdet SEZER’in de kıtaya teşrifiyle hız kazanmıştır. Bu sene içerisinde de, ilk olarak Başbakan ardından Dışişleri Bakanı’nı, Afrika Birliği öncülüğünde, Addis Ababa’yı ve diğer Afrika ülkelerini ziyaret etmişlerdir.

Bugün, Afrika’da açılan sayısız Türk elçiliklerinin ve belli bir zamandan beri Afrika Birliği Komisyonu’nda temsilci bulunduran Türkiye’nin gayretlerinin bir uzantısıdır. Bugün, ayrıca, Türk ve Afrikalı iş adamlarının İstanbul’da kurduğu ortalık çerçevesinde yürüttüğü faaliyetlerinin de bir uzantısını temsil etmektedir.

Bugünün sayesinde, birçok Türk şirketi ve üniversitesinin Afrika’ya yönelmesi beklenmektedir. Bu yönelimin daha da derinleşip kuvvetlenmesi için çalışmalar sürmektedir. Bugünün düzenlenme sebebi, herkesin bu aralar Afrika’dan bahsetmesi, ya da bir şeyleri düzeltme kaygısı içinde olmasından değildir. Bu kongre, modern Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Kemal ATATÜRK’ün verdiği mesaj doğrultusunda Türk hükümetinin dünyada edindiği güçlü siyasi konumu pekiştirmesinin, daha adil, barışçı ve dayanışma içinde bir dünya oluşturulmasına verdiği katkının güçlü bir ifadesidir. Bu kongre, Türkiye’nin Afrika’yla ilişkilerine yeniden göz atıp yeni bir sayfa açmayı hedeflediği bir günün ifadesidir. Çünkü Türkiye ile Afrika arasında var olan bağlar Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndan günümüze ulaşan geleneksel bir bağa işaret etmektedir. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde bu ilişkiler sadece Kuzey Afrika’yla sınırlı kalmamış; Doğu ve Batı Afrika’yı da içine almıştır.

Modern Türkiye, Afrika’nın sömürgelikten kurtulma sürecinde, apartheide karşı mücadelede bizi destekleyerek ikili ilişkilerin gelişmesinde kendine düşen görevi yerine getirmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, Türkiye Afrika’nın birçok sorununa yanıt getirebilmek için büyük bir istekle Afrika’nın hep yanında olmaya çalışmıştır. Dolayısıyla, bugünün anlamı, Afrika’ya ümit ve güven mesajının verildiğidir.

Konuşmamı, uluslararası medyanın Afrika’yı dünya kamuoyuna yansıtırken kullandığı tanımlamaların ne kadar yanıltıcı olduğunu anlatarak sürdürmek istiyorum. Uluslararası medya günümüzde Afrika’yı çatışmalar, istikrarsızlıklar ve savaş kıtası; sıtma ve AIDS kıtası ya da açlık ve köleler kıtası olarak lanse etmektedir. Oysa öne sürülen bu imaj Afrika’yı ve gerçekleri yansıtmamaktadır. Bugün, Afrika için sanal bir imaj çizilmek istenmektedir ki bunun nedenleri ortadadır. Kimsenin böyle bir imaj çizerek Afrika’nın kaderiyle oynamaya hakkı yoktur. Hepinizin bildiği gibi, bizim istediğimiz ve kendimizi sorumlu olarak gördüğümüz nokta, Afrika’nın tarihini değiştirmek ve Afrika’ya bir dönüşüm getirmektir.

Afrika’nın geri kalmışlığının ve bugün bu durumda olmasının nedenleri herkes tarafından bilinmektedir ve olumlu-olumsuz ne varsa bizim kıtamızın tarihinin bir parçasıdır. Kimsenin bunu yok sayma ve görmezden gelmeye hakkı yoktur. Ama köleliğin, kıtamıza getirdiği yegâne şey de budur. Kimsenin sömürgeciliği görmezden gelme hakkı yoktur. Bunun sayesinde toplumumuz ve kimliğimiz zarar görmüştür. Kimsenin apartheidin bizim kıtamızda yapıldığını göz ardı edemez.  Ayrıca eşitsiz ve adaletsiz raporların sürekli Afrika’ya mal edilmesini de kimse görmezden gelemez.

Bugün Afrika hiç durmadan yardım isteyen bir kıta olarak görülmektedir. Çünkü Afrika’dan satın alınan hammaddelerin fiyatlarını kendimiz belirleyemediğimiz için adil bir kazanç sağlayamamaktayız. Uluslararası medyanın dünya kamuoyuna yansıtması gereken gerçekler aslında budur. Eğer hammadelerimizin gerçek fiyatlarını belirleyebilseydik, finansal desteğe hiç şüphesiz ihtiyacımız olmayacaktı. Size bu tip örnekler veriyorum ama bunu sadece bazı şeyleri aklamak için yapmadığımı bilmenizi istiyorum. Çünkü aynı zamanda biliyoruz ki, Afrika’nın geri kalmışlığında, bazılarının yanlış ve kötü tercihleri ile kötü yönetim ve idaresi yatmaktadır. Ama tüm bunlar Afrika’nın yolsuzluk kıtası olarak damgalanmasına bir neden değildir. İşte bu nedenledir ki, birkaç yıldan beri Afrika’nın demokratik bir sürece girmesi yolunda büyük bir mücadele ortaya konulmaktadır. Eşit ve adil çalışma koşullarını, kadın erkek ve vatandaşlar arası eşitliği yaratmak bu aşamada çok büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. İşte bugün sayesinde iletmek istediğimiz mesaj da budur. Başbakan’ın ve Türk yetkililerin bize ilettiği mesajlar, hedeflerimizle örtüşmektedir. İşte bu, Afrika’ya güven mesajıdır.

Sayın Başbakan Yardımcısı, Bayanlar ve Baylar,

Afrika’ya güvenmek için birçok nedeniniz var.  Sizin de belirttiğiniz gibi, yapılması gereken şey unutulmuş Afrika’nın yeniden tanımlanmasıdır. Bilindiği gibi Afrika’da ilk insan doğmuştur, orada gelişmiştir ve tarihte ilk olarak oradan yol almıştır.

Her şeyden önce Afrika’nın hammadde, enerji ve su yönünden çok zengin bir kıta olduğu bilinmektedir. Enerji, su ve hammadde önümüzdeki yüzyılda devletlerin karşılaşacağı büyük sorunlar olacaktır. Çok önemli ve stratejik bir yerde bulunan Afrika’nın dünya iletişimindeki yeri bilinmektedir. Afrika dünyanın ikinci iletişim ayağıdır. Bildiğiniz gibi Afrika Birliği 53 ülkeyi kapsamaktadır. Bu 53 ülke, Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Komisyonu’nda %30’luk bir oya karşılık gelmektedir. Bu demek oluyor ki, kabul etmediğimiz bir durumla karşılaşırsak, Afrika Birliği’nin oyları birleşip Birleşmiş Milletler’de bir karar alınmasını engelleyebilir. 53 Afrika oyu, diğer dostlarımız ve ortaklarımızınkilerle birleşince, Birleşmiş Milletler’de büyük bir güç oluşturmaktadır. Bu güç sayesinde uluslararası ilişkileri dengeleme fırsatımız olacaktır.

Bayanlar ve Baylar,
Afrika’nın madeni, doğal ve mineral rezervlerinin olduğundan bahsetmiştim. Ancak Afrika’nın bir başka madeni daha vardır. Bu maden dayanışmadır. Dayanışma bizim için en büyük zenginliktir. Biz kalkınmada insana ayrı bir yer vermeye çalışıyoruz ve kültür için ayrı bir yer açmaya çalışıyoruz. Çünkü insanın rolünün farklı bir şekilde ele alınması gerekmektedir. Bugün üzerine durulması gereken nokta, materyalist insanın yerine başka bir insan modelinin geçmesinin gerekliliğidir.

Sayın Bakan, bugün düzenlenen bu buluşma diğer buluşmaların habercisi ve karşılıklı siyasi istekliliğimizin bir ürünüdür. Aynı zamanda, bugünün Afrika’da “Türkiye-Afrika” günlerinin düzenlenmesine yol açacağından eminim.

Bugün burada yapılanları tamamlamak için şunları söyleyebiliriz. Başbakan Yardımcısı ve Dışişleri Bakanı Abdullah GÜL’ü dinlediniz. Burada kültürel, sportif, ekonomik alanlarda Afrika haftaları düzenleyebilirsiniz. Buradaki Afrika büyükelçilerinin de desteğini alarak, burada bir Afrika Birliği Ofisi oluşturabiliriz. Ayrıca Tükiye’de varolacak bir Afrika Evi, ikili ilişkilerin gelişmesi ve organizasyonu için sürekli destek sağlayabilir.

Sayın Başbakan Yardımcısı, Saygıdeğer Bayanlar ve Baylar,
Söylediğim gibi, Afrika’ya güvenmek için birçok nedendiniz var, çünkü dünyada Afrikasız bir gelecek düşünülemez.

Afrika tarihin ona vurduğu darbeyi görmese bile, çocuklarının çalışma aşkıyla tarihini elbet değiştirecektir. Eğer Afrika yoksulluk içinde olmasa, kimse acı çekmeyecek ve kimse şiddet içeren bir düzende yaşamayacaktır. Çünkü şiddeti besleyen şey, yoksulluktur.

Yarının yoksulluğu, bugünün kavgalarını, çatışmalarını ve göçlerini beslemektedir. Dünya adaletsiz, kardeşlikten ve dayanışmadan uzak olursa, bunların sayıları milyarları bulacaktır. Çünkü dünyanın kaynakları sürekli azalmaktadır. Afrika için her an sözler verilmektedir. Bunu yapmaya devam edeceklerdir ama hiçbir şeyin değişmediği de ortadadır.

Stratejik bir konuma sahip olan Afrika, sorumluluk almak ve gerçek ortaklara sahip olmak istemektedir. Afrika’nın borçlarının silineceğinden bahsedilmekte, ama her nedense, herhangi bir aşamaya gelinmemektedir. Her zaman Afrika için sözler verilmekte ama her nedense hiçbiri yerine getirilmemektedir. Bütün bu bahsedilenlerin kesin bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi için Afrika’nın daha sorumlu olması, birlik ve beraberlik göstermesi gerekmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, Türkiye gibi aktif ve etkin destek sağlayan ortaklar edinmesi gerekmektedir. Eğer dünyada bir günde yapılan askeri ve silahlanma alanındaki harcamalar yapılmazsa, sadece bir gün için savaşların maliyeti durdurulsa, Afrika’nın ve dünyanın sorunlarının daha hızlı bir şekilde çözüleceğinden eminim.

Girişimde bulunmak, güven vermek; bunlar günümüzün değişilmeyen gerçekleridir. Afrika’nın bir ruha ihtiyacı vardır ve kimse bunu bizden esirgeyemez, esirgememelidir. Eğer Afrika için başka bir seçim yapılırsa ki bizim de dileğimiz budur, Afrika yok olmayacaktır. Afrika’nın bütün bu zenginliklerinden ötürü bir şansı vardır. Çünkü Afrika büyük bir ülkedir. Büyük bir ülkedir, çünkü 53 devletin sınırları 30 milyon kilometrekarelik bir ülke yaratmaktadır. Afrika’yı Afrika yapan 30 milyon kilometrekare, Hindistan, Çin ve Meksika’nın yüzölçümlerinin toplamıdır. Demografik güç de önemli bir unsurdur. Bütün dünya biliyor ki 1,5 milyar nüfusla Afrika, Hindistan’dan önce, 1,3- 1,5 milyar nüfuslu Çin’den sonra gelmektedir. 20 yıl içinde Afrika nüfusu Avrupa Birliği’nin, Kuzey Amerika’nın, Kanada’nın, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin ve Latin Amerika’nın toplam nüfusuna eşit olacaktır. Afrika Birliği’ni birlik yapan, işte budur. Çin ya da Hindistan’ın nüfuslarına göre birçok büyük avantajlarımız vardır. Bu avantaj, dünyanın en genç nüfusa sahip olmamızdan ileri gelmektedir. Avrupa ve Amerika’nın en büyük sorunu yaşlı bir nüfusa sahip olmalarıdır. Bizim nüfusumuz, Asya ve Hindistan’ın nüfusundan çok daha gençtir. Bu genç nüfusu ile Afrika, dünyanın geleceğini temsil etmektedir. Çünkü bu haliyle Afrika, dünyanın en genç pazarıdır. Biz, geleceğin yeni pazarı olacağız. Çünkü her şey Afrika’da doğmuştur.

20 yıl sonra Afrika dünyanın en büyük şantiyesi olacaktır. İşte bu yüzden, Afrika dünya için bir şans olarak değerlendirilebilir. Eğer bu oynanmaması gereken bir kartsa, hastalıklar, açlıklar artacak, hayatî değer taşıyan kaynaklar ve hammaddeler yok olacaktır.

İşte Afrika’nın dünyaya sunduğu şanslar yeni ve genç bir pazar ile en büyük şantiyedir. Çatışmaların, istikrarsızlıkların en büyük kaynağı yoksulluktur. Yoksulluk dünyanın ulaşmak istediği hedeflere zarar vermektedir, ileride de zarar verecektir. Dolayısıyla biz tercihimizi yaptık ve Afrika’nın Kalkınması için Yeni Ortaklıklar (NEPAD) oluşumuna katıldık. Amacımız stratejik bir çerçevede Afrika’nın yeniden doğmasını sağlamaktır. Afrika’nın geleceğin seçimini yaptığını söylerken, kendimiz için var olacağız, gelişmelerin bir parçası olacağız, Türkiye gibi sadık stratejik ortaklar ile rolümüzü yerine getireceğiz. Böylece Afrika herkes adına hareket edebilir hale gelecektir.

Hepinize tekrar teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum.


I would like to thank all the distinguished guests and in particular the Chairman of the African Union Commission His Excellency Prof. Alpha Omar Konare, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs His Excellency Abdullah Gul, the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) His Excellency Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu for their participation in 1st International Turkish African Congress. The Congress is organized by our center and supported by concerned institutions.

In order to the save time for the visitors and leave much time for the presentations of the papers I will briefly address you under three titles; TASAM, Turkey and Africa.

It will be beneficial, in my opinion, to tell you a story rather than telling much about TASAM.  I will try to explain common sense and perspective of TASAM by telling you a story, which took place under the administration of Suleyman the Magnificent who ruled the Ottoman Empire for 46 years.
As you know, historians will acknowledge, such narrated stories are partially true while partially just story. Suleyman has four sons who are the candidates for the throne. The Sultan killed one of them for some reasons, another one died of an illness and conflict breaks out between the remaining two sons, Selim and Bayazid for the throne. Apart from the central army, some small groups of soldiers gathered around the two sons fight in Kutahya (A city in Western Anatolia) and several regions. Under this circumstance the Sultan has two options; first one is to execute them for the upheavals they caused and for the crimes they committed against the state and he is mighty enough for this. Second option is to favor one of them so that he can replace the Sultan. If the Sultan punishes both, no son will remain for the throne. It is also very difficult for him to favor one of them because both are his sons.
Confused with this dilemma the Sultan consults his vizier (top executive officer in Ottoman Empire) and asks his opinions.  “ What your sons are doing while you are still alive are totally immoral and unacceptable” says the vizier criticizing both sons and suggests their execution. While the vizier keeps on criticizing the sons and explaining why both should be executed the Sultan interrupts, “How nice you are talking, it is obvious that neither sons belong to you nor the state”.

In such a sensitive attitude we, as TASAM,  struggle to serve our country, bear important fruits of thoughts, implement projects and in the context of international relations to contribute to the development and welfare increase of our country.

I would like to inform you of something. Currently we also implement another project including 9 countries from Turkic States of Central Asia and South East Europe. Our guests who came for this project are also in this hall. I would like to welcome them too.

With such common sense what kind of Turkey are we struggling for? We are struggling for a country where legitimacy is formed and distributed justly, therefore where no share conflict exists, a country where nobody is prosecuted or isolated for his/her statements and actions as long as he/she acts on the established legal basis and anybody can be punished again within the system even if they transgress their rights. Most importantly, considering where our people reached in Turkey and in the world and our experiences within last days we believe that we have to control our excitement and hostility because if we don’t control our excitement and hostility we don’t need an enemy. We can be drowned in our own excitement and hostility.  Even those whom we regard as enemy don’t want our dissolution they come and rescue us in return of huge cost. What we are supposed to do both in Turkey and in the world is to control our excitement and hostility and to do our best in unity and brotherhood to get through these extraordinary days.

As to give brief information about TASAM, our activities on several strategic and significant topics include published 18 books, 12 reports, 3 symposiums, near 20 brainstormings and conferences, an activity with international cooperation and a number of projects with national and/or international cooperation. With the commentaries published in our website we reached a certain point. At the moment, according to results of research companies our website is number one in Turkey and twelfth in the world. The way we have taken is only small part of we will take in the future. Because our country and the surrounding region urgently need great services, increase in the number of think tank institutions and support of governmental institutions and private sector.

To say a few words on the subject of the congress, we argue that the future lies in Asia and Africa. Who says this? Everyone at the point where world sociology, technology, ecology and climate changes reached says same thing. Mostly our western fellows and allies say that the future lies in Asia and Africa. Since Asia and Africa will be major actors in the future Turkey who is in the middle of three continents is very important for our western fellows and allies too. All energy crossroads, promising countries, two third of the world population and bulk of the energy sources are in Asia and Africa. In this connection including our western fellows the entire world directed their attention to Asia and Africa. While new giants emerge from Asia new resources and new opportunities arise in Africa. Most importantly, Asia and Africa have billions of people who are needy for welfare and idealism.  In this regard we start this by opening up to Africa. In coming months we will try to be in your presence with a project regarding Asia.

I also would like to give you a good news. His Excellency Alpha Omar Konare had a demand since his arrival. We have made a decision of restructuring of  African Studies Group which functions under TASAM and to form African Studies Institute within the hierarchic structure of TASAM. Altogether with your support we will accelerate this process to do valuable and more detailed studies on Africa. And we hope to hold 2nd International Turkish African Congress in December 2006 again in Istanbul.

What is our role in an era where Asia and Africa are the major actors? Is it to get more shares from Asia and Africa? Is it solely material interests? Or is it to refresh the sorrowful experiences we had with Asia and Africa, since most of our land belongs to Asia? No. we as members of a civilization of whose essential pillar is belief in the eternal life hereafter, should behave, shape our life, see the world, develop technology from this point of view and have to cooperate along with mutual interests without misusing good will of each other.

I would like to sum up my speech with a final word. As you know the Ottoman Empire waged war at seven fronts. During the war when communities that are components of Ottoman society  rebelled against the central administration prominent people of these communities told the representatives sent by the Ottoman administration on them the following; ‘you were mighty and just, therefore we were with you. But today we left you because your power and justice weakened (this is the observation they made that day, it doesn’t justify them). We also need the same thing again because today this is said for the dominant powers of the world. In an era where power and justice weakened those who have a perspective of a civilization need to have the power and civilization had in the right hands.

Our intention was to contribute to our relations with Africa with a congress. Turkey needs to deepen its political, economic, social and cultural relations by means of cooperation among universities, sports activities and cultural centers with this continent that consists of approximately 60 countries and 850 million people. We will also keep on contributing this within our framework.

To point out some issues and to utter some concerns in such open to public organizations is a communal duty for us. Not to take much time I won’t repeat of previous conferences. But regarding the subject of this congress there are two things that I would like to remind our country and administrators. These might be in their agenda as well but we would like to remind them. First, in connection with the ecological and strategic changes caused by the ambiguities in the demand for conventional energy resources and troubles in the means of access something has to be done about alternative energy resources. Secondly, in connection with the changing security concept in the entire world new theses should be discusses about our security both at home and abroad and if they are being discussed  they have to be ripened.  Because we reached such a point that even a small thing is associated to national security. In this context security concepts have to be revised.
I would like to thank you once again for your participation and for listening to me.



Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Your Excellency,


Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentilmen,

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

At the outset, I would like to thank to the Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies for organizing an international cogress on such an important subject. It is a great privilege for me to be present at the inauguration of the 1st International Turkish – African Congress  together with scholars, intellectuals and eminent persons from Turkey, various African countries, regional and international organizations.

I would like to avail of this opportunity to convey my deep sense of appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Turkey, in particular, His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister, and His Excellency Abdullah Gul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, for their keen interest in demonstrating solidarity with Africa, and developing and enhancing excellent relations between Turkey and African countries.

I would also like to seize this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to H.E Professor Alpha Omar Konare, President of the African Union Commission, for his gracious interest and unwavering support that he has shown to discuss the ways and means of broadening fruitful relations between Turkey and Africa.

Mr.President/Chairman, Ladies and Gentlement,

Although the OIC was initially established as a political forum, soon after its inception, it has aimed to develop solidarity and cooperation in economic, commercial, technological, social and cultural domains.

The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), reaching 57 today, out of which 27 are in Africa, constitute a substantial part of the group of developing countries. For this reason, the OIC supports all developing countries and demonstrates, in every occasion, solidarity with them.

The OIC Member States are dispersed over a large geographical region on four continents, extending from Albania (Europe) in the north to Mozambique (Africa) in the south and from Guyana (Latin America) in the west to Indonesia (Asia) in the east. The Member States in Africa represent almost half of the OIC countries. Unfortunately, most of the least developed countries (LDCs) are also from Africa. Out of 50 LDCs classified by the United Nations, 22 are members of the OIC.

All the member countries of the OIC share common problems and today, they are severely affected by the globalization process. Severe international competition caused marginalization of the economies of some member states, in particular, those in Africa.

The most recent publication of the United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) titled “The 2005 Report on the World Social Situation: the Inequality Predicament”, launched on 25 August 2005, draws the attention to the widening income gap between the rich and the poor countries. Furthermore, the said report indicates that “Eighty per cent of the world’s gross domestic product belongs to the 1 billion people living in the developed world; the remaining twenty per cent is shared by the 5 billion people living in developing countries”

Within such a global environment shaped by severe international competition, and considering that globalization and liberalization are facts of life, the developing countries, including the OIC Member States, should develop ways and means to survive and improve their conditions so as to derive benefits from this process. One major solution, in this regard, is to increase economic cooperation among themselves. In this respect, I am confident that this Conference will also propose pragmatic and implementable ways and means to enhance economic and commercial ties between Turkey and African countries.

Since I assumed office in January 2005, I have devoted great importance to socio-economic well-being of the OIC Member States, particularly in Africa. In this connection, in March this year, I undertook a tour to 6 Member States in Africa. I visited Burkina Faso, Chad, Gambia, Mali, Niger and Senegal to obtain first hand information on the prevailing socio-economic conditions in the Sahel region. During this tour, I launched a programme aimed at strengthening sustainable development in Africa, including elements to develop food and cotton industries in West Africa through the promotion of joint ventures among the OIC Member States, strengthen the capabilities of the African Member States in combating poverty, eradicate polio, and develop a stronger partnership between businessmen and entrepreneurs of the OIC Member States. The Extraordinary Summit Conference scheduled to be held in Makkah Al Mukarramah in 7-8 December 2005, among others, will also examine measures to support African Development.

In line with the elements of that programme, we have organized, in cooperation with the Government of Burkina Faso, the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the Islamic Center for Development of Trade (ICDT),  a Forum on “Energizing Trade and Investment in the Cotton Sector of OIC Member States” in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on 18-19 April 2005. the main objective was to discuss the ways and means of increasing the value-added in cotton sector in Africa and supporting the industrialization process of African Member States. On the sidelines of the Forum, the companies particularly from Morocco and Turkey negotiated agreements with their counterparts from Burkina Faso and Mali to Establish cotton factories in these countries.

I would like to inform the audience that Malaysia initiated the programme of “Capacity Building for Poverty Alleviation” focusing on action-oriented concrete projects to alleviate poverty in the Low-Income and the Least Developed OIC Member States. Under the first phase of this programme, three pilot projects were identified, two being in Africa, namely Mauritania and Sierra Leone. In a meeting, held on 8-9 October 2005 at the IDB Headquarters, Burkina Faso, Comoros, Guinea, Senegal and Somalia were, among others, included under the Second Phase of the said Programme. Malaysia in close cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank formulates the details of the Programme.

I am happy to learn that Turkey has also initiated a commendable programme, namely “Africa Development Strategy (ADS)”. This programme serves as a framework for the development of trade, investment and technical cooperation between Turkey and African countries. Thus, in this manner, the Programme aims at contributing to the development of Africa, improving living standards and reducing poverty of the African People. Within the framework of this programme, the Undersecretariat of the Prime Ministry of Foreign Trade has already initiated some important events in Africa, including trade exhibitions and reciprocal visits of Turkish and African Businessmen.

Furthermore, a Turkish Trade Exhibition is, now, being organized in Dakar, Senegal from 25-28 November 2005. I am confident that the Turkish Trade Exhibition in Dakar will create a suitable environment to ensure better cooperation between Turkey and African countries, and in particular, generate new business opportunities among the businessmen.

The objectives of this programme are in line with the main objectives of the OIC. For this reason, I have strongly supported this initiative. Furthermore, within the framework of concretizing Islamic solidarity, I will always encourage similar activities aimed at enhancing cooperation among the Member States, in particular, those between African members and the others. In this connection , I urge the OIC Member States to demonstrate greater solidarity with Africa.

I thank you and wish you great success.

Wassalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

I would like to thank all the distinguished guests and in particular the Chairman of the African Union Commission His Excellency Prof. Alpha Omar Konare, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs His Excellency Abdullah Gul, the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) His Excellency Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu for their participation in 1st International Turkish African Congress. The Congress is organized by our center and supported by concerned institutions.

In order to the save time for the visitors and leave much time for the presentations of the papers I will briefly address you under three titles; TASAM, Turkey and Africa.

It will be beneficial, in my opinion, to tell you a story rather than telling much about TASAM.  I will try to explain common sense and perspective of TASAM by telling you a story, which took place under the administration of Suleyman the Magnificent who ruled the Ottoman Empire for 46 years.
As you know, historians will acknowledge, such narrated stories are partially true while partially just story. Suleyman has four sons who are the candidates for the throne. The Sultan killed one of them for some reasons, another one died of an illness and conflict breaks out between the remaining two sons, Selim and Bayazid for the throne. Apart from the central army, some small groups of soldiers gathered around the two sons fight in Kutahya (A city in Western Anatolia) and several regions. Under this circumstance the Sultan has two options; first one is to execute them for the upheavals they caused and for the crimes they committed against the state and he is mighty enough for this. Second option is to favor one of them so that he can replace the Sultan. If the Sultan punishes both, no son will remain for the throne. It is also very difficult for him to favor one of them because both are his sons.
Confused with this dilemma the Sultan consults his vizier (top executive officer in Ottoman Empire) and asks his opinions.  “ What your sons are doing while you are still alive are totally immoral and unacceptable” says the vizier criticizing both sons and suggests their execution. While the vizier keeps on criticizing the sons and explaining why both should be executed the Sultan interrupts, “How nice you are talking, it is obvious that neither sons belong to you nor the state”.

In such a sensitive attitude we, as TASAM,  struggle to serve our country, bear important fruits of thoughts, implement projects and in the context of international relations to contribute to the development and welfare increase of our country.

I would like to inform you of something. Currently we also implement another project including 9 countries from Turkic States of Central Asia and South East Europe. Our guests who came for this project are also in this hall. I would like to welcome them too.

With such common sense what kind of Turkey are we struggling for? We are struggling for a country where legitimacy is formed and distributed justly, therefore where no share conflict exists, a country where nobody is prosecuted or isolated for his/her statements and actions as long as he/she acts on the established legal basis and anybody can be punished again within the system even if they transgress their rights. Most importantly, considering where our people reached in Turkey and in the world and our experiences within last days we believe that we have to control our excitement and hostility because if we don’t control our excitement and hostility we don’t need an enemy. We can be drowned in our own excitement and hostility.  Even those whom we regard as enemy don’t want our dissolution they come and rescue us in return of huge cost. What we are supposed to do both in Turkey and in the world is to control our excitement and hostility and to do our best in unity and brotherhood to get through these extraordinary days.

As to give brief information about TASAM, our activities on several strategic and significant topics include published 18 books, 12 reports, 3 symposiums, near 20 brainstormings and conferences, an activity with international cooperation and a number of projects with national and/or international cooperation. With the commentaries published in our website we reached a certain point. At the moment, according to results of research companies our website is number one in Turkey and twelfth in the world. The way we have taken is only small part of we will take in the future. Because our country and the surrounding region urgently need great services, increase in the number of think tank institutions and support of governmental institutions and private sector.

To say a few words on the subject of the congress, we argue that the future lies in Asia and Africa. Who says this? Everyone at the point where world sociology, technology, ecology and climate changes reached says same thing. Mostly our western fellows and allies say that the future lies in Asia and Africa. Since Asia and Africa will be major actors in the future Turkey who is in the middle of three continents is very important for our western fellows and allies too. All energy crossroads, promising countries, two third of the world population and bulk of the energy sources are in Asia and Africa. In this connection including our western fellows the entire world directed their attention to Asia and Africa. While new giants emerge from Asia new resources and new opportunities arise in Africa. Most importantly, Asia and Africa have billions of people who are needy for welfare and idealism.  In this regard we start this by opening up to Africa. In coming months we will try to be in your presence with a project regarding Asia.

I also would like to give you a good news. His Excellency Alpha Omar Konare had a demand since his arrival. We have made a decision of restructuring of  African Studies Group which functions under TASAM and to form African Studies Institute within the hierarchic structure of TASAM. Altogether with your support we will accelerate this process to do valuable and more detailed studies on Africa. And we hope to hold 2nd International Turkish African Congress in December 2006 again in Istanbul.

What is our role in an era where Asia and Africa are the major actors? Is it to get more shares from Asia and Africa? Is it solely material interests? Or is it to refresh the sorrowful experiences we had with Asia and Africa, since most of our land belongs to Asia? No. we as members of a civilization of whose essential pillar is belief in the eternal life hereafter, should behave, shape our life, see the world, develop technology from this point of view and have to cooperate along with mutual interests without misusing good will of each other.

I would like to sum up my speech with a final word. As you know the Ottoman Empire waged war at seven fronts. During the war when communities that are components of Ottoman society  rebelled against the central administration prominent people of these communities told the representatives sent by the Ottoman administration on them the following; ‘you were mighty and just, therefore we were with you. But today we left you because your power and justice weakened (this is the observation they made that day, it doesn’t justify them). We also need the same thing again because today this is said for the dominant powers of the world. In an era where power and justice weakened those who have a perspective of a civilization need to have the power and civilization had in the right hands.

Our intention was to contribute to our relations with Africa with a congress. Turkey needs to deepen its political, economic, social and cultural relations by means of cooperation among universities, sports activities and cultural centers with this continent that consists of approximately 60 countries and 850 million people. We will also keep on contributing this within our framework.

To point out some issues and to utter some concerns in such open to public organizations is a communal duty for us. Not to take much time I won’t repeat of previous conferences. But regarding the subject of this congress there are two things that I would like to remind our country and administrators. These might be in their agenda as well but we would like to remind them. First, in connection with the ecological and strategic changes caused by the ambiguities in the demand for conventional energy resources and troubles in the means of access something has to be done about alternative energy resources. Secondly, in connection with the changing security concept in the entire world new theses should be discusses about our security both at home and abroad and if they are being discussed  they have to be ripened.  Because we reached such a point that even a small thing is associated to national security. In this context security concepts have to be revised.
I would like to thank you once again for your participation and for listening to me.

TASAM Africa Institute will fill a great gap in its field and light the way for Africa's future with its researches on social, economic, political and cultural issues. (Chairman of TASAM Süleyman ŞENSOY)